Emma and Fin


Emma and Fin

Emma and Fin.jpeg

Occupation: Creators and Hosts of the Normalizing Non-Monogamy Podcast                

Location: California, United States

The Sex in Our Business: We interview people about ethical non-monogamy. Our guests discuss topics including why they got into non-monogamy, what it looks like for them, and how it has affected their lives. While sex is not the main focus of our conversations, it definitely comes up. We also put a strong emphasis on sexual health and safety.

A Typical Day: Although our podcast is not our only job, it is a major part of our lives. Because we publish a new episode every Wednesday, much of what we do is coordinate schedules and interview guests. We try to batch the interviews in such a way that we can do four or five in a week and then focus on other things for a few weeks. Each session is about an hour long and takes between two and three hours to edit, plus an hour or so to create content for our website and social media. We also run a monthly live video of questions and answers for our Patreon supporters, which helps build and strengthen the community around the program.

The Best Part: Meeting people and building the community is definitely our favorite part of this work. We love each interview and learn something from every person we talk to. We also enjoy giving back to the community and providing a safe platform for people.

The Worst Part: Editing. We love interacting and talking to people, but editing can be tedious. Regardless, it is important that we honor everyone who trusts us enough to share their story on our show by making sure the finished product is of the highest quality possible.

How We Got Here: We have been in an open relationship for over a decade, and have found that so much of what we’ve learned over the years came from the vast experiences of those we met along the way; and vice versa. With that in mind, we decided to help as many people as we could by offering a space to express themselves, and created our podcast in May 2018.

What Society Thinks: We started this project to help normalize non-monogamous relationships and give back to the poly community. Many of the people outside of this community whom we have told about our relationship structure have been genuinely curious and supportive, and have sometimes even shared their own experiences with non-monogamy. Having recently opened up about this side of our lives with some of our closest friends and family, the response has so far been very positive. In fact, we even convinced some close friends to come on an episode of the show! We know that we are going against the norm and pushing social boundaries, but we have not had to deal with too much negativity.

When We Are Not At Work: We enjoy being active and outside, so activities such as paddle boarding, biking, hiking, and camping are all up our alley. We also love to travel and spent last year backpacking and volunteering in South America.

For more about Normalizing Non-Monogamy, visit their website or follow them on Twitter and Instagram.

Published Mar 1, 2020
Updated Aug 23, 2023

Published in Issue V: Taboos