A Proposal For Modesty


Under the guise of individual freedom and sexual liberty, the modern metropolis has evolved into a haven of decadence and debauchery perfectly designed to ensnare those committed to pursuing a virtuous path in a sticky, inescapable web of sin.

Those innocent flies buzzing about free of the righteous and moral tethers of their homes easily fall prey to the many temptations offered by these dens of disenfranchisement. While on the surface these attractions seem enlightening, invigorating or, dare I say, pleasurable, in reality they will zap even the most pious into an irredeemable, amoral crisp. Without proper guidance from those like me—a disciplined disciple who has never once ventured out into the world, exposed myself to new perspectives or questioned the teachings laid down as the gospel by my forefathers—we could wind up in a reality where the happy and carefree run amok, joyously expressing themselves and living life free of shame, fear or guilt.

As we all know, consistency, rigidity and conformity are the brakes that keep the wheels of our culture safe from rolling down the hill of carnality. As such, I have developed the following proposal for those committed to protecting their charges from these tempting traps and keeping the sexually liberated and depraved from revolutionizing the world into a more pleasurable place.

First and foremost, it is vital to assert absolute control over all the educational information among our community’s youth. We must dig our fingers into their impressionable brains and mold them like putty. Why overcomplicate the messages of conformity and chastity to potentially overwhelm their malleable minds with inappropriate ideas? All the instructions on how to live a proper, sin-free life have already been provided–many have existed for decades or centuries, with nary a thought given to updates, which means they must be faultless. Tempting these beings with novel concepts of inclusion, sexual liberation, and critical thinking will only lead to questions, impure thoughts, or, in a worst-case scenario, maybe even dancing.

As such, it is essential that we do not give individuals the chance to learn about the physical and psychological pleasures tied to engaging in these deplorable sexual acts. We must stick to the tried-and-true curriculum of repression, shame, and control to keep our libidinous flock in check. Remember, education leads to experimentation, so they must exclusively be taught the proper path without exposure to outside educational sources, as they can lead even the most devout of our flock astray.


Modesty / David Cohen


Secondly, limit the social interactions of the community to members of the in-group, until they are indoctrinated enough to leave their sanctuary of sameness behind (under proper supervision, of course) to proselytize the woefully misguided. Should members of our herd be exposed to outside viewpoints, the results could be catastrophic. The moment devious interlopers begin asking questions like “Could you explain to me why you believe this?” or “Have you ever thought of it in this way?”—they will destroy our Eden of abstinence. Do not allow anyone to traipse about unsupervised, but instead enforce rigidly structured schedules that fill every minute of their lives. Should you permit them even an iota of freedom, you run the risk of them developing their own ideas. Duties and tasks based on age and gender are determined at birth thanks to our irrefutable doctrine, so there is no need for them to engage with or explore new avenues of experience or expression, sexually or otherwise.

Thirdly, lastly, and most importantly - teach them the true meaning of sexual congress: reproduction. This act, though regrettably necessary to spawn future disciples, should not be elevated above any other element of devotion. The sexually depraved would have you believe that soaring in the dirigible of orgasmic delights outside the sanctity of marriage can help facilitate self-discovery and forge loving relationships. This is unequivocally false. True love is built on the unshakable foundation of solemnity, predictability, and blissful ignorance. Thus, you must encourage them to smother their sexual feelings or, better yet, have them channel that energy into their true purpose of saviorship; on this we must be steadfast, otherwise we risk losing them to the contagion of corrupting copulation.

Should we implement these steps, we can stem the tide of sexual degeneracy that continues to grow within our borders, gaining strength as society progresses and encourages education, larger social networks, and cross-cultural collaboration. While there are saviors out there pushing for pious purity, they cannot succeed without our allegiance and unwavering, unquestioning devotion. Should we fail, we could very well end up in an abhorrent reality, in which creative, freethinking, sexually-empowered individuals run free. The very thought fills the body with fearful yet oddly enticing trembles; but with fierce and blind devotion, we can keep these tempting tremors—and much worse—at bay.

Published Apr 19, 2022
Updated Apr 23, 2023

Published in Issue XI: Slut